Guardian Disability Insurance for Residents and Fellows

GSI Disability Insurance

Guaranteed Standard Issue, or GSI, is the number one choice for any Resident or Fellow. Eligible applicants can obtain a top-tier disability insurance contract without any medical questions. You can also receive permanent discounts of up to 30% if you purchase your policy while in training. If you are training at a hospital where a GSI offer exists from a major insurance company, that is what you should buy. There is no other logical choice, regardless of the insurance company. Applying with another company when a GSI disability insurance offer is available to you is gambling with your entire financial future. It is never a good idea! Should you apply with another carrier first, and if that application has an exclusion, extra rating, is declined, or even withdrawn... you are no longer eligible for the GSI disability insurance offer. You will never have another opportunity to buy disability insurance like this; there is a reason why almost every Resident or Fellow purchases their disability insurance policy while still in training.

While you understand medicine well, you need to know what somebody else has in their medical records about you. You also don't understand how insurance carriers view your medical history when underwriting a disability insurance policy. It's worth repeating; regardless of the company, you should always take advantage of a GSI disability insurance offer if there is one at your hospital.

Please click the following link to see if Guardian has a GSI disability insurance offer at your hospital. Only some guaranteed issue programs are affiliated with the hospital, so do your research before applying anywhere. Feel free to give us a call if you need help.

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Common Questions

When we discuss disability insurance, we talk about the need for it and tell people how 90% of long-term disabilities are illness claims. In the medical field, you see the need for this product every day, and odds are you have had several lunch-n-learns where the topic of protecting your future earnings potential with a disability insurance policy has already come up. We sell a lot of policies to residents and fellows across the country, so we know what the actual questions you have are;

Why Should I Buy Disability Insurance Now?

There are several reasons why today is the best day for you to buy disability insurance, but if you don't think today is the best day after these three, there is no point in listing the rest.

  • Cost - Non-cancelable disability income policies fix their prices for the life of the contract. You are never going to get an unexpected rate increase. If you are 30 now, you would want to pay the rates of a 30-year-old for the next 35 years instead of paying the rates of a 31-year-old for the next 34 years. You will save a bunch of money over time by locking in your rates at your current age.
  • Health - Generally, you will never be healthier in the eyes of an insurance company underwriter than you are today. You may not think that the anti-anxiety medication you decide to take next year means anything or that a chiropractic visit is relevant. Still, to a disability insurance company, that could result in a back exclusion or mental/nervous exclusion. As time goes on, you have more medical issues that could result in exclusion limitations, extra ratings, or even prevent you from getting a policy. There is no better time than right now.
  • GSI Disability Insurance - If you are training at one of the many hospitals with a Guardian GSI disability insurance offer, there is no guarantee that the offer will exist tomorrow. You may think you will wait until graduation to purchase your own disability insurance policy, but GSI offers get pulled by insurance companies all the time. The insurance company can get out of the GSI business like multiple other carriers have already, or they could pull the offer from your hospital because the agents were not getting the required 30% participation needed by the company. We have to update the Guardian GSI disability insurance list monthly with changes. Take the offer while you can. Don't wait!

Is Guardian The Right Disability Insurance Policy For Me?

In our professional opinion, no single policy on the market today can say it offers a more comprehensive level of protection for a physician than Guardian. There is a reason Guardian has been a market leader in disability insurance for physicians for over twenty years. They have the absolute best definition of total disability any physician can get. It is a true own-occupation definition for the life of the policy, and it contains medical specialty language built into the policy.

This allows you to receive your full disability benefit PLUS your income from another occupation or medical specialty if you choose to work in another capacity. Because you can collect your new income and not have your disability benefits reduced, you could get back to what you were making prior to the disability. Some people call this "double-dipping", but we just call it good sense to protect your full income. 

Can I Get Any Special Discounts Now?

You are eligible for permanent discounts of up to 30% if you buy your policy while still in training or up to 90 days after graduation. There is a 10% student/resident discount, a 10% preferred occupation discount, and a 10% discount for mental and nervous benefits if you limit coverage to two years. These discounts are permanent for the life of the policy, so it is important to purchase it while you are still training.

How Do I Do This Right?

I just wanted to let you know that this does not need to concern you. We have sold thousands of disability insurance policies to physicians nationwide. The reality is that most residents and fellows establish their disability insurance the same way. We are not going to let you make any significant mistakes, but we will walk you through the more important decisions to make sure your policy fits your needs.

Most of your peer group tends to buy Guardian's Provider Choice, usually choosing the "Premier" option. The "Graded Premium" option is also popular to keep the rates low while in residency, and you convert it to a level premium after you are more financially established a few years later.

If I Have Group LTD Now, Isn't That Enough?

Most hospitals do a good job by providing you Group LTD during training. That stops once you graduate, and you will see the majority of your colleagues will buy their disability insurance policy during training for the reasons outlined above. Don't rely on Group LTD. If you have access to a GSI disability insurance offer I recommend taking advantage of it immediately, regardless of the company making the offer.

1. Individual disability income products underwritten and issued by Berkshire Life Insurance Company of America (BLICOA), Pittsfield, MA. BLICOA is a wholly owned stock subsidiary of The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America (Guardian), New York, NY. Product provisions and availability may vary by state.

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