The Reason Sales Professionals Buy Guardian
You are here because you are considering getting disability insurance, and the odds are you also want to protect your family. There is one major difference between Guardian's disability insurance and our closest competitors, which is a massive benefit to sales professionals. Once you understand what it is and how much additional money it could mean to you and your family, you won't buy anything else to protect your income.
A Recovery Benefit
You are buying disability insurance to protect your source of income and your continued ability to go to work every day. Statistics show 90% of long-term disability claims are caused by an illness, not by an accident2. Regardless of the kind of sales you are in, imagine how long it took you to achieve the level of success you have right now. Then, ask yourself how long it would take to get back to this level if you were disabled for 2.5 years (the average claim length)1. When people start to recover, it doesn't happen all at once. Nobody waves a magic wand to heal them. It takes a long time for the majority of people to recover physically. Many of our competitors stop paying benefits once you have physically recovered. If you have the Enhanced Partial Disability Benefit Rider, Guardian keeps paying you until you financially recover!
Your illness claim may have only lasted 2.5 years, but It may take three times that long until you recover financially. You are buying disability insurance to protect your income. If a sickness or injury prevents you from working for 2.5 years but it takes another 10 to recover financially, Guardian will keep paying you, unlike our competition.